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Guardian Coolant Recycling Systems

Transforming Metal Scrap Into Money: PRAB Drives Manufacturing Efficiency

Transforming Metal Scrap Into Money In metalworking manufacturing, efficiency is the lifeblood of success. Manufacturers face various operational challenges, from handling metal scrap to managing coolant waste and complying with stringent environmental regulations. Scrap buildup disrupts workflows, haul-away costs strain budgets, and outdated processes hinder productivity. But what if these challenges could become opportunities to improve efficiency, cut costs, and […]

Improved Waste Stream Processing Is a Pathway to Savings and Compliance – Production Machining

In metalworking, addressing two specific aspects of waste stream management—industrial wastewater and spent cutting fluids—can help companies meet environmental compliance and reduce expenses. By Tom Tripepi, Fluid Filtration Technical Director, PRAB Note: This article was originally published Oct. 17, 2023, on   Higher civil penalties for environmental compliance lapses are here. Fortunately, companies can reduce their compliance-related financial risk […]

5 Considerations When Updating a Fluid Filtration Process – Aerospace Manufacturing and Design

Automation, costs, complexity, return on investment, and management buy-in all figure into the decision. By Mike Hook Note: This article was originally published July of 2023 on   As aerospace manufacturers attempt to avoid environmental compliance liabilities and lower production costs, improving coolant management is increasingly becoming an area of focus. Here are five topics for consideration when contemplating […]

PRAB Crusher/Wringer Chip Processing System and Guardian™ Coolant Recycling System

CHALLENGE As Youngers and Sons Manufacturing Company, Inc. worked through optimizing its facilities and growth strategies, it became clear its metal scrap and fluid recycling needed to be addressed. The company relied on third-party service providers to haul away, process, and recycle their metal scrap and coolant waste. The company was not earning the maximum value for its scrap, and […]

Don’t Let Crude Oil Costs Get in the Way of Your Operation’s Goals

A lot goes into a successful metalworking operation, from a skilled workforce to reliable equipment. Chief among these components is the effective cooling of tools and workpieces. This is where metalworking fluids like coolants and lubricants come into play, as they reduce the heat and friction produced by machining processes. Without these fluids, corrosion within the unit and raw […]

Advanced fluid recycling systems cut waste – Today’s Motor Vehicles

Between the skilled labor shortage and the recent economic turmoil, manufacturers are constantly tasking employees with greater challenges, making it critical to identify opportunities that will allow them to run facilities as efficiently as possible. Proactively approaching operation improvements can have several long-term benefits, especially during challenging market conditions. One operational improvement to consider is streamlining cutting-fluid management with advanced, […]

Centralized Coolant Recycling System – Manufacturing News

“Successful coolant recycling requires three components: particulate removal, tramp oil removal and coolant concentration control,” said a PRAB spokesperson. “The Guardian Coolant Recycling System incorporates all three elements for maximum coolant life. This combination makes it the most efficient option for centralized recycling of metalworking cutting fluids.” The Value of Coolant Recycling “If one’s current process is labor intensive, requires […]

Managing Your Cutting Fluids – Canadian Metalworking

When machining, it is imperative that shops have a strong understanding of how to properly maintain their metalworking fluids. If they don’t, they run the risk of exposing employees to health risks, incurring avoidable costs, and hurting productivity with extended maintenance times. Here are a few fundamentals to keep in mind when managing metalworking fluids. Monitor Contaminant Buildup […]

6 Ways to improve profits – Aerospace Manufacturing and Design

When production is constrained due to circumstances beyond the control of manufacturers, decision-makers look for ways to cut costs to shore up the bottom line. Reviewing the company’s metal scrap processing is a good place to start. Here are six ways automated metal scrap processing solutions create a pathway for sustainable savings and higher prices from metal scrap recyclers. 1. […]

Coalescing for the effective removal of tramp oils from spent fluid

Tramp oil that floats on the surface of water based cutting fluid in the machine sump is problematic in a variety of ways. Separating and removing this oil should be a priority to eliminate its negative effects and maximize coolant effectiveness. By removing tramp oil from the sump with a fluid recycling system, metalworking operations can cut costs and reap […]