Magnetic Separators | Subsequent Filtration Equipment | PRAB
Quick Ship Item! Most units are in stock and can ship in 5-7 business days.
The magnetic separator is a highly efficient fluid filtration method that removes high levels of ferrous contaminants from liquid, helping with recycle and reuse goals.
Low Maintenance
The magnetic separator provides continuous operation and reduces downtime by up to 50%.
  • Prolongs tool-life
  • Improves surface finish of the component part
  • Reduces machine downtime by up to 50%
  • No consumable media

Cost effective fluid clarification for removing ferrous material.

Remove ferrous material, including sludge and chips, from both water soluble and neat oils with high intensity ferrite or rare earth magnets. Typical applications include centerless and heavy stock removal grinding machines, honing, and gear cutting machinery.

PRAB’s line of magnetic separators employ high-intensity ferrite or rare earth magnets within a fully energized rotating drum to continuously remove ferrous particles from the flow of liquid. These systems are often used as a pre-filter to limit contaminants reaching subsequent filtration equipment.

Magnetic separators are well suited to processes where ferrous and non-ferrous contaminants are mixed with water-based coolants or straight cutting oils. They can also be used to enhance chip processing tasks and help you get the most out of your industrial filtration equipment.

Paper Bed Filters Quick-Ship | Prab.comStandard units ship in 5 days or less!

Features & Benefits of PRAB magnetic separators for ferrous metal separation include:

  • Most units are in stock for quick shipment
  • Integrates easily with the Paper Bed Filter
  • Provides highly effective fluid filtration
  • Easily removes high levels of ferrous contaminants
  • Continuous operation
  • Prolongs tool life
  • Improves surface finish of the component part
  • Reduces machine downtime by up to 50%
  • Reduces waste disposal
  • Contains no consumable media
  • Units are available with flow rates from 5 to 315 GPM
Performantee |

Magnetic separators employ high-intensity ferrite or rare earth magnets within a fully energized rotating drum to continuously remove ferrous particles from the flow of liquid. These systems are often used as a pre-filter to limit contaminants reaching subsequent industrial filtration equipment. PRAB offers 4 models depending on your application needs including MCA, MCJ, SS, and MSK.

Ferrite Magnet Models:

  • The MCA product line features ferrite magnets with 1,200 gauss rating
  • The MCJ product line features ferrite magnets with 1,600 gauss rating
  • MCA and MCJ units remove up to 97% of all ferrous particulate in excess of 40-micron

Rare Earth Magnet Models:

Rare earth models are used when there are large amounts of ferrous fines (smaller than 40 micron), large amounts of sludge accumulation in a machine’s coolant tank, or when the coolant has a high viscosity rating such as straight oil.

  • The SS product line utilizes Rare Earth Magnets rated at 3,600 gauss, which are 10X stronger than ferrite magnets
  • The MSK product line utilizes Rare Earth Magnets rated at 4,200 gauss, which are 12X stronger than ferrite magnets
  • SS and MSK units remove up to 97% of all ferrous particulate in excess of 15-micron

Magnetic separators employ high-intensity ferrite or rare earth magnets within a fully energized rotating drum to continuously remove ferrous particles from the flow of liquid. This scrap metal equipment is often used as a pre-filter to limit contaminants reaching subsequent filtration equipment and are well suited to processes where ferrous and non-ferrous contaminants are mixed with water-based coolants or straight cutting oils. PRAB offers 4 models depending on your application needs.

More Table Content to the Right.
Drag to View.
Magnets Ferrite Rare Earth
Micron Rating 40 15
Gauss Rating 1200 1600 3600 4200
Flow Rate (GPM) Model Number Model Number
5 MCA-20
10 MCA-40 MSK-40
15 MCA-60 MSK-60
20 MCJ-80A MSK-80
25-30 MCJ-120A MSK-100
40-45 MCJ-160A MSK-150
60 MCJ-240A MSK-240
80 MSK-300
95 MCA-360 SS-360
130 MCA-500 SS-500
210 MCA-800 SS-800
265 MCA-1000 SS-1000
315 MCA-1200 SS-1200

PRAB completes comprehensive sample testing to establish an accurate understanding of the unique characteristics of your mixed solution and its industrial applications. This test determines the correct centrifuge system design and capacity to optimizes the filtration process within your facility.

To receive a free test contact us today at (800) 968-7722.

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