Reduce volumes of large bundles and stringy turnings. This scrap metal equipment delivers dry, shovel-grade chips and reclaims up to 99% of valuable coolants and cutting oils.
PRAB High Volume Aluminum Systems
Aluminum turnings are one of the most difficult types of material to process, especially in large volumes. PRAB delivers the reliable, durable, and dependable aluminum processing system your operations demand. The skid steer loader feeds wet, stringy material into the hopper of the 6” pitch steel belt conveyor. The PRAB Steel Belt Conveyor carries the material up and meters it into the crusher. The crusher reduces the stringy chips into smaller, flowable chips and discharges them onto the PRAB Drag Conveyor. The PRAB Drag Conveyor transports the material up and into two diagonal shaft chip wringers. The PRAB Chip Wringers separate the coolant from the chips using nearly 700 Gs of centrifugal force. The settling tank captures the coolant for recycling. An integral PRAB Drag Conveyor discharges the settled fines back into the material flow. The PRAB Chip Wringers internally generate air pressure to pneumatically discharge dry chips. The dry chips travel through the pneumatic piping and cyclones to the PRAB Magnetic Separator. The PRAB Magnetic Separator removes ferrous particles from the stream of material and discharges them into a container, while dry aluminum chips continue onto the weight belt. The weigh belt measures throughput of dry material in process and deposits it into a blower. The blower pneumatically transports the chips across the plant to one or more cyclones, which dissipate the air and deposit the chips into storage bunkers.
Product Brochures
PRAB Chip Processing Systems All Product Brochure
White Paper
White Paper: Green Engineering
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