Low Maintenance
Reduce maintenance cost by eliminating clogging and minimizing machine sump cleanout.
  • Increase coolant life
  • Reduce new coolant purchases
  • Extend life of cutting tools
  • Produce cleaner surface finish
  • Irease coolant pump life cycle
  • No filtration media needed
The drum-type separator is a high-quality filtration method for removing aluminum, non-ferrous, and composite material contaminants from coolant, helping with recycle and reuse goals.
Health & Safety
Removes contaminates from coolant minimizing employee exposure to lubricants that can cause health problems and lead to medical claims.

Increase Coolant Life, Reduce Coolant Purchases.

The PRAB Drum-Type Scraper Separator provides high-quality separation that is applicable to aluminum, non-ferrous, and composite materials. The unit does not consume any filtration materials, savings that go directly to your bottom line.

  • Increases coolant life and reduces new coolant purchases
  • Extends the life of cutting tools and provides cleaner surface finish
  • Increases coolant pump life cycle by reducing the risk of coolant lines clogging
  • Protected filter media drum prevents damage of primary drum filter, resulting in longer life cycle
  • Reduces maintenance costs by eliminating clogging and minimizing machine sump cleanout
  • Drag flight conveyor removes particulate, depositing it into supplied hopper
Performantee | Prab.com

PRAB’s Drum-Type Scraper Separator is designed for industrial use in the following applications:

  • All grinding applications
  • General machining
  • Milling
  • Lathe operations
  • Tube and rolling mills
  • Gear cutting

Dirty coolant enters the system through the back of the Drum-Type Scrap Separator. The coolant passes through the filter sleeve inwardly into the clean tank. The chips and solids retained by the sleeve will be flushed off the filter by an internal back flushing spray bar. The solids will drop to the bottom of the separator and will be removed on a continuous basis by the drag conveyor system. As the chips slowly move up the incline, the coolant will drain from the chips back into the filter, minimizing moisture on the chips.


Drum-Type Scraper Separator Chart | Prab.com


Drum-Type Scraper Separator Illustration | Prab.com
Drum-Type Scraper Separator Illustration | Prab.com

PRAB completes comprehensive sample testing to establish an accurate understanding of the unique characteristics of your mixed solution and its industrial applications. This test determines the correct centrifuge system design and capacity to optimizes the filtration process within your facility.

To receive a free test contact us today at (800) 968-7722.

Guardian Coolant Recycling Systems | Prab.com
To discuss your custom application

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