Recycling Industry |

PRAB Drives Manufacturing Efficiency

Transforming Metal Scrap Into Money In metalworking manufacturing, efficiency is the lifeblood of success. Manufacturers face various operational challenges, from handling metal scrap to managing coolant waste and complying with stringent environmental regulations. Scrap buildup disrupts workflows, haul-away costs strain budgets, and outdated processes hinder productivity. But what if these challenges could become opportunities to improve efficiency, cut costs, and […]

Battery Recycler Achieves Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) and Recovers Over 80% of Concentrate for Resale

Challenge: Recover water and Sodium Sulfate from spent sulfuric acid from recycled batteries Solution: PRAB EVALED® Vacuum Evaporator (RV F 60 FF) Results: Zero Liquid Discharge and recovery of 80% sodium sulphate for resale   Introduction A company who recycles over 3,000,000 automotive battery units a year, and produced over 40,000 tons of lead every year needed to […]

Why Briquette Your Metal Machining Scrap

What Does a Briquetter System Do A briquetting maching compresses loose metal chips into compact pucks (briquettes) that are up to 99% dry. Briquetting Vs Wringing Loose Scrap When it comes to loose scrap and briquettes, the briquettes are easier to store, leave little residual oil, and can bring more money than loose chips. But, there are still many […]

8 Problem Areas Affecting Metalworking Operation Profitability

Download     Address the Most Common Issues to Maximize Growth By Teresa Phillips, Senior Marketing Specialist, PRAB   Introduction There are numerous areas in metalworking operations that can affect operational profitability, but eight top problem areas are common to many manufacturers. This whitepaper touches on each of the 8 problem areas, explains how they impact profitability, and what can […]

Overcoming the Operational Challenges of Wastewater Regulatory Compliance

Meet Regulatory Requirements and Achieve Cost Savings with Wastewater Treatment Technologies By Tim Hanna, Vice President Business Development, PRAB     Introduction Wastewater compliance management is one of the most challenging issues facing manufacturing operations today. Steeped in dense regulatory terminology and with standards that can be distinctive to each facility, wastewater regulations can be […]

Reducing Haul-Away Costs in Metalworking Operations

Lower Metal Scrap and Fluid Haul-Away Expenses with Automated SystemsBy Mike Hook, Sales & Marketing Director, PRAB Introduction Costs to haul away and dispose of metal scrap and spent cutting fluids erode the bottom line of metalworking operations. Several factors outside the control of metalworking shops contribute to the costs, which continue to increase: […]

Taking Control of Wastewater Treatment

Considering Environmental Impact and Other Motivating Factors Beyond Mere Compliance     By Tim Hanna, Vice President of Business Development, PRAB       Introduction On a global level, wastewater treatment is an increasingly critical topic of discussion that has been addressed at the very highest levels of government and major corporations. […]

Prioritizing Plant Housekeeping In A Metalworking Operation

Using Automated Systems to Keep a Shop Clean and Free of Hazards Has a Positive Impact on Profit, Productivity and Purpose     By Mike Hook, Sales & Marketing Director, PRAB       Introduction For workplaces in the United States and many other industrialized countries, “cleanliness is a virtue” is more […]

Getting the Most Value from Metal Scrap and Spent Fluids

When market factors reduce profit margins, metalworking operations should consider shifting their capital expenditures to back-end process systems.By Mike Hook, Sales & Marketing Director, PRAB   Introduction In 2010, Modern Machine Shop magazine released its inaugural “Top Shops” benchmarking survey. Intended as an annual method for metalworking shops to compare their key performance indicators […]

Waste Stream Management in the Midst of a Limited Workforce

Solving metalworking waste stream issues as retaining employees becomes more difficult.By Mike Hook, Sales & Marketing Director, PRAB Introduction The metalworking industry faces many uncertainties amid a changing economic climate. Already confronting the probability of slowed economic growth going into 2020,1 financial expectations became even more uncertain as the coronavirus outbreak spread worldwide. In […]