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Metal Turnings Shredders

Maximizing ROI: How Metal Chip Processing Can Boost Profits

Boost Manufacturing Profits with Metal Chip Processing Manufacturers in the metalworking industry always search for ways to enhance profitability and streamline operations. While most focus on production improvements, metal chip processing offers a lesser-known but impactful way to recover value, reduce waste, and promote sustainability. This blog will explore how efficient metal scrap processing can yield measurable ROI and share real-world […]

How to Select the Right Metal Chip Processing System

Shredders, Crushers, and the Benefits of Briquetting Metalworking manufacturers can find it challenging to manage metal turnings and scrap coated in coolant fluid. Effective chip processing systems help clean turnings, separate reusable coolants, and reduce waste volumes, optimizing recycling efforts and creating new revenue streams. Selecting the right system and incorporating briquetting can further enhance efficiency and ROI. Here’s how […]

Updating Back-End Waste Stream Equipment? Here’s What You Need to Know – Practical Machinist

Note: This article was originally published Jan. 24, 2024, on Metalworking companies that are thinking about updating their metal scrap processing equipment have a lot to consider — especially with how frequently production takes priority over waste management. With that in mind, here are answers to three frequently asked questions that can help these operations identify solutions that […]

5 steps for improving waste stream processing – Aerospace Manufacturing Design

For an industry characterized by technological advancements, many aerospace manufacturers are slow to elevate waste management and recovery processes. Too often, these processes are considered secondary to production. That approach will gradually cut into an organization’s bottom line, as environmental compliance becomes more tightly regulated and the shift to the circular economy accelerates. Aerospace manufacturing facilities have the potential to […]

Bundle Breaker Eliminates Conveyance Delays Caused by Metal Scrap – IEN

PRAB Inc. (Kalamazoo, MI) has introduced the Bundle Breaker, a conveyor enhancement that preconditions stubborn metal scrap bundles for improved material transfer, processing and safety. During metal scrap processing, conveyance systems using augers or steel belts frequently fail to consistently move bushy bundles of metal scrap because the augers and steel belts are unable to grab hold of the stringy […]

White Paper: Reducing Haul-Away Costs in Metalworking Operations

Lower Metal Scrap and Fluid Haul-Away Expenses with Automated SystemsBy Mike Hook, Sales & Marketing Director, PRAB Introduction Costs to haul away and dispose of metal scrap and spent cutting fluids erode the bottom line of metalworking operations. Several factors outside the control of metalworking shops contribute to the costs, which continue to increase: […]

Blog: Achieving Quantifiable Results Through Sustainable Manufacturing

After World War II, the United States quickly transformed from an agricultural society to an industrial one, and the start of the modern-day environmental movement began. In the first 25 years of this movement, the US spent more than $1 trillion to address environmental threats caused by commercial activities. Since that time, being environmentally responsible is an ever-growing concern. […]

White Paper: Green Engineering

Green Engineering How to Design More Profit into the Metalworking Operation By Ron Chapman, Systems Sales Manager & Teresa Phillips, Senior Marketing Specialist, PRAB   Introduction The green movement is not a new concept. In fact, the basic principles were well-known throughout Europe in the medieval era. However, it was the Industrial Revolution in Europe that […]

White Paper: Implementing Smart Equipment In The Metalworking Industry

Automated Systems and Software Platforms Exist that Can Ease an Operation’s Transition to the Industrial Internet of Things       Introduction Smart technology has become a common, if not essential, part of our daily lives. Most people are familiar with smart technology—which is an acronym for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology—in the […]