The Benefits of Coolant RecyclingOutweigh the Up-Front Costs | PRAB
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Outweigh the Up-Front Costs

The Benefits of Coolant Recycling
Outweigh the Up-Front Costs

The Benefits of Coolant Recycling, Outweigh the Up-Front Costs |

If you need a more effective and profitable way to reclaim your metalworking fluid, a modern coolant recycling equipment is the proven answer. Implementing the right fluid reclamation system provides fast ROI and enhances profits, equipment lifespan and employee safety.

Costs of Not Filtering Machine Tool Coolant

While water comprises most of the coolant, it’s the concentrate in it that makes it both expensive and hazardous. Sometimes to reduce this cost, old coolant is reused without filtration. The problem with this method is that once the coolant has been used, its quality and the proportion of concentrate to water is compromised leading to many issues including:

  • Decreased effectiveness in controlling heat and lubricity
  • Unnecessary tool degradation and premature tool failure
  • Rancid odor from bacteria within the contaminated fluid
  • Cost of expensive biocides to control the foul stench
  • Increase in particulates such as bacteria and residual tramp oil deposits
  • Lower employee morale and overall productivity due to unsafe working environment.
  • Increased employee exposure to rancid coolant resulting in skin irritations and other health hazards
  • Costly fines or even the complete shutdown due to non-compliance with regulations for coolant disposal

Your Solution for Optimal Value in Coolant Recovery & Reuse

A modern and proven coolant recycling system, like the PRAB Guardian Coolant Recycling System are low maintenance, resulting in lower costs, minimal downtime, and less employee contact with hazardous coolant. When using water-based coolants in a metalworking process, this is the ideal solution for finding optimal value. Several of the benefits include:

  • Reduced fluid disposal costs up to 90%
  • Decrease in new coolant purchases up to 75%
  • Improved tool life up to 25%
  • Elimination of suspended solids
  • Automatic coolant monitoring and management
  • Removal of free floating and mechanically dispersed tramp oils up to 99%

Our customer’s typical ROI on a Guardian Coolant Recycling System is 6-9 months. Check to see what your application’s ROI payback period is with our Guardian ROI Calculator or discuss it with a PRAB fluid recycling expert.