PRAB Ozone Generators are used for all types of industrial water applications—from recirculated washwater to bacteria control in water-based metal working lubricants and parts rinsing operations. Water treated with ozone does not contain any chlorinated compounds that require further treatment prior to disposal. Destroy bacteria, inhibit algae growth, and reduce scaling in wastewater.
Features and Benefits:
25 times more effective than Hypochlorous Acid (HOCI)
2,500 times more effective than Hypochlorite (OCI)
5,000 times more effective than Chloramine (NH2Cl)
Most powerful commercial oxidant
Reduce the cost of washwater
System effluent water can be discharged to a sewer or reused
Help meet zero manifesting goals and comply with federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act requirements, as well as state and local discharge regulations
No hazardous chemicals required
Simple automatic operation requires little attention and maintenance
Approved by the FDA, USDA, and EPA as an antimicrobial disinfectant
In the past 2 years PRAB has provided equipment saving customers nearly $2.6 million annually by re-purposing their wastewater for reuse or sending to sewer.
Ozone is known as the most powerful commercial oxidant in the world, because it is highly reactive and readily oxidizes (breaks down) organic matter. Ozone is used to treat process and wastewater in a sterilization system. It has a faster reaction rate than chemicals and is used as a disinfectant for drinking water, as well as a disinfectant for destroying bacteria, inhibitor to algae growth, and scaling reducer in wastewater.
Ozone treatment systems provide fast and efficient oxidation of many industrial contaminants and is very effective for oxidizing iron and manganese, removing phenols, organic waste constituents and heavy metal contaminants. Additionally, water treated with ozone does not contain any chlorinated compounds that require further treatment prior to disposal.
Ozone treats a wide-range of process fluids. From recirculated wash water in car washes, reducing energy and water savings in cooling towers, to bacteria control in water-based metal working lubricants and parts rinsing operations.
High-purity process water
Cooling towers
Equipment and surface sanitation
Holding ponds and tanks
Machine coolants
Treatment Functions:
Bacterial disinfection and inactivation of viruses and cysts
Oxidation of Inorganics by precipitating iron, manganese, sulfides, nitrites and organically bound heavy metals
Oxidation of Organics that cause color, taste and odor problems, some detergents and pesticides, phenols, VOCs, turbidity control and micro flocculation of soluble