Case Study: Presmet Corporation Benefits From PRAB HUF-VIB System | PRAB
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Presmet Corporation Benefits From PRAB HUF-VIB System


Parts manufacturer needs a solution for disposing waste by-products into the local sewer system.


PresMet Corporation


Parts Manufacturer


Ultrafiltration Vibratory System

Business Benefits Realized

  • Wastewater volume reduction
  • Reduces detergents and disposal costs
  • System payback in less than two years
  • System effluent water can be discharged to sewer or reused
  • Simple automatic operation requires little attention and maintenance

PresMet Corporation, of Worcester, MA is like many other parts manufacturers around the country that incorporates vibratory-deburring systems into their production process and is faced with the disposal of the waste by-products.

PresMet primarily deals in the production of metal parts through the pressing of powdered metal for the automotive, business machine, and power hand tool industries. For the removal of burrs and undesired metal chips, they use various vibratory-finishing equipment.

The vibratory-deburring process tends to generate vast amounts of waste fluid. PresMet had to continually monitor their wastewater discharge level in order to keep within the limits for copper and F.O.G. (fats, oils, and greases) from their lubricating soap.

Typically, they would discharge the waste fluid for processing at the local sewage plant. As the costs for this service began to rise, Presmet personnel searched for alternative solutions for waste minimization.

The initial step was to contact other organizations that had overcome similar circumstances. One company contacted was Hartzell Manufacturing in Minneapolis, MN. Based on prior success, Hartzell recommended they contact PRAB. PRAB offered and PresMet accepted use of the PRAB Model HUF-VIB 2/4-2. With the incorporation of the PRAB UF system, there has been a reduction in the wastewater discharge from 2,000 gallons per day to 50 gallons per day. The UF has also significantly reduced the facility’s lubricating soap cost by more than 60%.

The PRAB HUF-VIB is based upon our proven Wastewarrior UF technology. However, it incorporates several features that help it pre-treat and process the unique waste generated by the vibratory-deburring process. These features include a large quiet tank and solids centrifuge to facilitate the settling out of entrained solids.

The PRAB process loop is fairly simple. Process water is taken out of the PRAB unit and sent to the vibratory system. From there the water is mixed and used as lubricant as well as part of a rinsing stream. Excess water drains from the parts vibratory system to the plant’s settling pit. A stream is taken from the settling pit by the PRAB unit, and the process begins again.

For the sake of maximized deburring and minimized abrasiveness and surface wear on the parts a lubricant soap is used with the vibratory media. PresMet uses Houghton International Cerfa-Kleen 5380 soap. With their vibratory systems. Cerfa-Kleen offers all around good performance and suitability.