Remove Heavy Metal Ions from Your Industrial Wastewater

The removal of soluble heavy metal ions from wastewater is a common industrial treatment requirement in modern manufacturing. Some of the processes that generate waste streams containing heavy metals are:

  • Electroplating
  • Electroless nickel plating
  • Printed circuit board manufacturing
  • Metal forming operations
  • Battery recycling
  • Mining operations

Find out how to determine which process will deliver the best results based on a variety of application-specific criteria in our free tech brief, ‘Eliminating Soluble Heavy Metal Ions from Industrial Wastewater by Precipitation and Ultrafiltration.


Contact us to discuss your process and see how PRAB Industrial Water and Wastewater Solutions can benefit your operation.

PRAB Tech Brief:

Eliminating Soluble Heavy Metal Ions From Industrial Wastewater by Precipitation and Ultrafiltration

Technical Brief: Eliminating Soluble Heavy Metal Ions From Industrial Wastewater by Precipitation and Ultrafiltration |